ANA Chicago is a volunteer-driven organization and we can't exist without your help. The best way to get the most out of your membership is to get involved and join a committee. Serving on a ANA committee is a great way to meet new friends and colleagues, learn and have fun.
Review the committees below to determine where you'd like to get involved. Then, contact Agency360, at and become a volunteer.
The committee looks for new opportunities to produce revenue using e-commerce to market ANA Chicago products and services (such as books, posters, etc) or by developing new products or services.
This committee can use assistance in identifying potential employers, continuing to make our online job bank & web resources user-friendly, and developing ideas to promote Career Services. This committee also works with recruiters to help us provide value-added services to our members (blog postings, resume reviews, etc).
Assist the web chair with the continual enhancements to the ANA Chicago website. This committee works on strategy and planning as well as maintenance to our website.
The Media Donations Chair assists the BMA Colorado Auction Chair by recruiting and securing media donations from publishers to sell at the auction. The donations can be solicited year-round and sold year-round.
Membership can use your help to plan and implement acquisition and retention programs, as well as help with the annual membership directory (design, printing, ad sales) and representing ANA Chicago at trade shows, etc. The membership team also has a strong ambassador program. Ambassadors help to welcome new members – and our membership team looks for passionate ANA members to be Ambassadors.
We are looking for writers interested in contributing original content for publication in the monthly e-newsletter, as well as assistance in identifying potential advertisers for our publication.
This committe creates and edits content that supports the content strategy and drives chapter goals. We look for member-facing content relating industry trends around upcoming events and chapter activities to be featured in our blog, the newsletter, in social, on the website, and in email communications.
We welcome your input in selecting qualified business-to-business marketing speakers (local and national) to share their expertise at our monthly meetings and seminars, as well as our morning roundtables. This team also solicits speakers for our annual regional conference each fall.
This committee helps us with our email notifications to members and prospects. The committee helps us prepare the emails (we have a software program that is easy to use and will train you), and helps us strategize with compelling subject lines and content, testing various email formats, and tracks deliverability and click-through rates.
The social media team rotates through all of our social media channels (LinkedIn,, Twitter, Facebook) to engage our B2B marketing community in conversation and awareness.
Help us spread the ANA, and B2B, marketing message to the local media.
This committee recruits companies for meeting sponsorships and other special events, as well as helping us identify and solicit major trustee partners.
Help our emerging professionals (age 30 and under) by planning YP events or being a mentor.
Review the committees above to determine where you'd like to get involved. Then, contact Agency360 at
© 2021 Business Marketing Association Chicago Chapter